by EMCS LABS — on

The KU-CORPUS (ver.2)

  1. Introduction
  2. Speakers and Stimuli
  3. Transcription Procedure
  4. Organization of the Database

1. Introduction

This document is intended to provide an overview of the methodology employed in the creation of the KU Corpus 2 (save dir: inchon26 /home/hdd2tb/KUCORPUS/KUCORPUS_cleaned), including data collection and labelling. The purpose of the KU Corpus was to create a database of 1) 10 American English vowels in isolated words and 2) 8 types of Korean vowels elicited by native Korean L2 speakers of English. The speech data of 56 speakers contained time-aligned phonetic labels. This manual is organized as follows. Section 2 describes aspects of the data collection along with characteristics of the talkers who comprise the corpus. Section 3 of the manual describes how aligned lexical and phonetic transcriptions of the speech were created. Aligning was done in two steps, an automatic aligning phase and manual adjustment of the phonetic and lexical symbol alignment. Conventions for manual adjustment of phonetic symbols may also be found in Section 3. Section 4 describes the file structure and naming convention.

2. Speakers and Stimuli

2.1 Overview

The data collection was conducted as the term project in English Phonetics (Fall 2016) by Prof. Hosung Nam in Korea University. Fifty-six students participated in the data collection.

Using a [self-recording routine (by. Wibaek Kim)] ( designed specifically for this purpose, the students were asked to record 10 isolated English words and 8 isolated Korean mono-syllabic segments in randomized order. Each item was recorded 100 times.

2.2 Speakers

Out of the 56 students that succesfully submitted recordings, 2 non-Korean native speaker’s data was excluded from the corpus. Below is the speaker coding of the remaining 54 (32 Female & 22 Male) Korean speakers of the corpus.

ID Gender Name
f01 female 강영비
f02 female 고은민
f03 female 권도윤
f04 female 김경림
f05 female 김관희
f06 female 김민선
f07 female 김소연
f08 female 김소진
f09 female 김예슬
f10 female 김재현
f11 female 김지해
f12 female 김하린
f13 female 김한결
f14 female 문수영
f15 female 박모현
f16 female 박소영
f17 female 박지영
f18 female 송윤수
f19 female 송윤영
f20 female 신유경
f21 female 신정인
f22 female 신주은
f23 female 양소영
f24 female 원혜진
f25 female 윤예림
f26 female 이연주
f27 female 이선화
f28 female 이현미
f29 female 이혜인
f30 female 채주영
f31 female 최윤서
f32 female 하윤정
m01 male 권효준
m02 male 김태윤
m03 male 박상준
m04 male 박승수
m05 male 박주현
m06 male 박진우
m07 male 박희운
m08 male 오현근
m09 male 윤호영
m10 male 이상명
m11 male 이예찬
m12 male 이인구
m13 male 이주형
m14 male 이태훈
m15 male 임형섭
m16 male 적탁원
m17 male 정내혁
m18 male 조근식
m19 male 최원철
m20 male 한석희
m21 male 황인규
m22 male 황재욱

2.3 Stimuli

Two different kinds of speech materials were collected from each speaker in the KU Corpus: isolated English words and isolated Korean words. The isolated English words were hVd words (one exception for food) consisting of 100 repetitions of each of 9 American English vowels in the hVd context: heed hid hey head had hot hope hood food.

2.3.1 10 English Words

Vowel Environment Word Repeat
hVd heed (x100)
ɪ hVd hid (x100)
hV hey (x100)
ɛ hVd head (x100)
æ hVd had (x100)
ʌ hVt hut (x100)
ɒ hVt hot (x100)
əʊ hVpe hope (x100)
ʊ hVd hood (x100)
fVd food (x100)

2.3.2 8 Korean Syllables

Vowel Environment Word Repeat
ㅏ (a / aː) hV (x100)
ㅓ (ʌ / əː) hV (x100)
ㅜ (u / uː) hV (x100)
ㅔ (e / eː) hV (x100)
ㅐ (ɛ / ɛː) hV (x100)
ㅗ (o / oː) hV (x100)
ㅡ (ɯ / ɯː) hV (x100)
ㅣ (i / iː) hV (x100)

3. Transcription Procedure

The Penn Phonetics Lab Forced Aligner Toolkit (the P2FA) was used to automatically capture the vowel intervals in each word-level recordings. The wav files were down-sampled (44000 -> 11025 Hz) in order to be processed by P2FA. TextGrid files containing time alignment information was created for each wav file.

4. Organization of the Database

4.1 Folder Organization

The database is organized by subjects. In each subject folder, 1800 (or less) wav files are sorted by the alphabetic word order. The number (001~100) following the word marks which of the 100 repeats the wav file was record from.




The Kucorpus (ver.1) Manual by Yeonjung Hong (2016)

Written by Youngsun Cho (2017) Please send any inquiries to: